As You Like It Summary Act 1 Scene 2

As you like it act 1 scene 2 summary analysis litcharts.
As you like it summary act 1 scene 2. At the palace of duke frederick two young noblewomen walk and talk together. Rosalind the daughter of the banished duke senior and her cousin celia duke frederick s daughter. Upon his father s death orlando was bequeathed a mere 1 000 crowns a paltry sum for a young man of his social background. Read the full text of as you like it act 1 scene 2 with a side by side translation here.
Act i scene i. As you like it summary. Rosalind is a little miffed that her father duke senior has been banished by duke frederick her uncle and celia s dad. About as you like it.
As you like it study guide contains a biography of william shakespeare literature essays a complete e text quiz questions major themes characters and a full summary and analysis. Act 1 summary and analysis. At duke frederick s court we meet celia and rosalind. His only hope for advancement is if his brother oliver honors their father s wish and provides him with a decent education.
Check out our revolutionary side by side summary and analysis. Scene 1 2 outside of duke frederick s palace. Orlando the youngest son of the recently deceased sir rowland de bois describes his unfortunate state of affairs to adam sir rowland s loyal former servant.