Societe Generale European Business Services Cui

Societe generale european business services was founded in 2011 to be the shared service center for societe generale group and delivers high added value services in various fields of activity for worldwide entities of the group finance accounting procurement human resources and it.
Societe generale european business services cui. From only one ssc shared service centre specialized in finance in the company developed into a comprehensive one providing a wide range of. Compania ofera servicii profesionale de inalta calitate in diverse domenii de activitate pentru entitatile grupului din intreaga lume finante si contabilitate achizitii resurse umane it si know your customer. Informaţii societe generale european business services sa cif 27883477 j40 151 2011 bdul. Societe generale european business services a fost fondata in 2011 ca centru de servicii pentru grupul societe generale.
Find out more 02. Societe generale european business services was founded in 2011 as a service center for the societe generale group. Află date de contact informaţii financiare datorii la bugete dosare in justiţie activitate. Societe generale european business services delivers added value services for societe generale group starting with finance accounting and human resources support for branches and subsidiaries located all around europe.
Preciziei 24 sectorul 6.